Wednesday, March 19, 2008

International Vision

Praise The Lord!

During the month of April, my wife and I, along with members of our church will be traveling to Africa with World Vision. This partnership with World Vision began yeas ago, with a pledge from Apostolic Faith Church to sponsor children who are infected or affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. I am also a member of the World Vision US Board of Directors. This parternship has lead to over 2,500 sponsored children through the Apostolic Faith Church and the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.

As we speak, we are sitting in the airport in Chicago, traveling to Washington Dulles, then on to Joberg South Africa. The flight from Chicago to Joberg will be about 17 hours!!! During that time we (My wife, oldest daughter and her husband, my sister Geraldine, Dr. Karen Douglass, Pastors Mark Tolbert and Carl Turner, along with our friends from World Vision, will be sharing and planning our work in Lumbumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kitwe in the copper belt of Zambia, and then Capetown, So Africa.

Please pray for us. Please post your comments and questions.

We will be back in contact when we arrive in Africa.

God Bless

Horace E. Smith