Wednesday, March 19, 2008

International Vision

Praise The Lord!

During the month of April, my wife and I, along with members of our church will be traveling to Africa with World Vision. This partnership with World Vision began yeas ago, with a pledge from Apostolic Faith Church to sponsor children who are infected or affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. I am also a member of the World Vision US Board of Directors. This parternship has lead to over 2,500 sponsored children through the Apostolic Faith Church and the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.

As we speak, we are sitting in the airport in Chicago, traveling to Washington Dulles, then on to Joberg South Africa. The flight from Chicago to Joberg will be about 17 hours!!! During that time we (My wife, oldest daughter and her husband, my sister Geraldine, Dr. Karen Douglass, Pastors Mark Tolbert and Carl Turner, along with our friends from World Vision, will be sharing and planning our work in Lumbumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kitwe in the copper belt of Zambia, and then Capetown, So Africa.

Please pray for us. Please post your comments and questions.

We will be back in contact when we arrive in Africa.

God Bless

Horace E. Smith


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord Bishop Smith!

I'm not sure of the time difference, but today is 4/17/08 and it is 12:56 pm in Chicago. How are things going in Africa? What have you all done so far? I look forward to keeping up you and the others traveling with you while you all are doing the work of the Lord for His children.

Have a Jubilant Day!

Sister Erika Montes

Anonymous said...

This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Praise the Lord Bishop Smith and First Lady! It is truly a pleasure to be able to communicate with you while you travel to Africa. God has great plans for your Global ministry. I am eagerly waiting to hear!

Sister Yvette Love

Anonymous said...

Praise Him!

My prayers and thoughts are with you, Sis. Smith and the ministry team as you have journey Beyond The Walls Building His Kingdom.

God's Mercy,Grace,and Favor be with all of you.


Gage Family said...

Praise The Lord Bishop and Sister Smith and the ministry team. We praise God for the technology that allows us to interact with you though we are miles apart. We are very appreciative to follow your travels in Africa as you do the work of the Lord. As you know, our prayers are with you and our brothers and sisters in Africa. We look forward to your safe return to AFC.

The Gage Family
Sam, Mattie, Kellie, Stephanie, and Brittanie

Gage Family said...

Praise The Lord Bishop and Sister Smith and the ministry team. We praise God for the technology that allows us to interact with you though we are miles apart. We are very appreciative to follow your travels in Africa as you do the work of the Lord. As you know, our prayers are with you and our brothers and sisters in Africa. We look forward to your safe return to AFC.

The Gage Family
Sam, Mattie, Kellie, Stephanie, and Brittanie

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord Bishop and First Lady, we missed you today;however the spirit was very high and Evangelist Woods and minister Robert Tillery really allowed the Lord to use them, by giving wonderful sermons. We were truly blessed today. May GOD continue to bless and keep you.

Sister Regina Springer & Brother
Tony Mitchell

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord Doc

It's about 7:30pm here in Chicago. It sounds like you all have been very busy Kingdom Building. I pray that you all will be safe, and have a blessed trip.

Crishea Lacey

Anonymous said...

We praise God for you, your family, and the entire team with you in the DRC!

Your presence was missed at church today, but rest assured, God really spoke through Elder Tillery today in his sermon on bringing about revival in our lives; in the Church; and at AFC.

Our prayers are with you and your family and the World Vision team.

God Bless,

Jeff and Margo Snowden

Unknown said...

Hi Bishop and Sister Smith,
I am so excited about your mission there and hearing all of the fantastic things that God has given you to do. It is my goal to visit Africa one day with AFC. I am a new member since ( April 07) and minister in the choir. My hope is that we can travel with you and minister in song to Gods people. What an honor it must be to assist and advance Gods kingdom...with His word....And service was a Blessing God Spirit moved in a mighty way....

In the sufficiency of His Grace,

Sister Yvette Kelly

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord Bishop Smith and all who travel with you!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and work that you're doing in Africa. Thank you for sharing your experiences with all of us. Please let the people of the great country of Africa know that we're praying for them always. Have a blessed trip!
Sister Yvonne Jones

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!
Dear Bishop Smith and First Lady,
It is so wonderful to be able to share in your experience. It's a blessing to be a member of a church that can reach out in such a profound way. My prayers go forth for you and all those who travel with you as you minister to those who are in great need. May God continue to bless you and all those with you.
Many blessings to you,
Sister LaConda Lisenby

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord Dr. and Sis. Smith!

My family and I just finished looking at the pictures and the your daily blogs. We felt a special connection to you and the team. We are very excited of the vision God has given you. It was also great to see Sis. Vowel, Sis. Peacock and Dr. Douglas with the team. Hopefully, more of our AFC members members will be able to assist you on your next trip to Africa. We miss you and look forward to your return.

May God's Grace and Peace continue to be with you.

The Bates'Family
Jeffery, Agurann, Jared and Paris