Thursday, April 17, 2008

Time in Johanesburg

Praise the Lord Everyone

We are in Johanesburg. This is a very modern city, similar to Chicago. The downtown area is filled with highrises, banks, malls, etc. The country has fantastic superhighways and infrastructure.
However the townships are filled with millions living in houses made of cardboard and newspapers. Most do not have electricity or running water. The contrast between the haves and the have nots is disturbing. We are so blessed in the United States.

We will be leaving for the DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo is about two hours. A short flight from Joberg to Lumbumbashi.
There we will do orientation for the group as we prepare to do ministry. We as so blessed to have multiple medical and other caring personnel with us. One MD, two nurses, a pharmacist, a Phd psychologist, and other caregivers. We plan to hold clinics in Lumbubashi this week. We have brought some supplies and medicines.

We are eager to see the children that we began to sponsor three years ago. We want to document the difference World Vision sponsorship means to them as individuals as well as to the surrounding community.

Another highlight will be meeting with pastors in the Congo. On our last visit we connected with over 25 who shepherded churches throughout the rural area. These servants are eager to broaden their knowledge so that they can better equip their congregations.

Well, Bless you all. A special 'shout-out' to the faithful supporters of Apostolic Faith. All of you are dear to us. Your continued generous support allow us to connect with thousands who would otherwise have little hope.

Keep us in your prayers. Keep sending your comments and questions.

Bis Horace Smith, Sis Smith and ministry team


Anonymous said...

Hey there Pastor and First Lady :) ok Sis Smith! Nice picture... once you get to DRC tell our children 'Christine' and 'Jo' that we are praying for them. God's mercies and grace continue as you do His work. lv, The Hortons

Vanessa F.Church said...

Praise the Lord! I am so excited that you are returning to Lumbumbashi. My memories of traveling with you before are very vivid and I am excited by how the Lord will use you during this time. Technology is such that I can enjoy your experiences thru your blogs and photos. Do know that I love you and Susan dearly, and that I continue to lift you and your ministry in prayer. Please give my regards to Madame Marie Claire and the others who have manged to stay close to my heart.
Yours in his service,
"The Churchlady"

Cspinks said...

Hello Pastor
I want to express how proud I am of you and your family. I really love you as a spiritual father. Sometimes when I pray I ask God for a double portion of that Horace Smith anointing. Keep up the good work in the Motherland. I will keep you, your family and the people of the continent of Africa in my prayers.

Charles M. Spinks

Belinda H. said...

Praise the Lord!!

I'm glad everyone arrived safely. I wish I were there. Tell our Congolese friends I miss them. Continue the great work for the Lord.

Sister Belinda Hoskins (Griffin)