Saturday, April 26, 2008

Capetown So. Africa: Preparing to Minister

Praise the Lord Everyone

To each and all, your comments, questions, thoughts, and prayers have been a source of support and encouragement that has sustained and strengthened us all, throughout this challenging yet inspirational experience. Thank God for all of you back 'home.'

Sis Smith and I are in Capetown, where the pace has slowed somewhat. We have been able to take two mornings and an afternoon off. Last night we shared dinner with Bis Joseph Guthrie and his wife, along with wonderful pastors and friends from Capetown. We ate at a family style restaurant that served only authentic South African cusine!!
It offered a wonderful night view of the entire valley where Capetown is located. The only challenge was that to get there we had to travel up the mountain, and it was dark with no guard rails on the rural roads!! (smile) We had a great driver, who was from America and had never driven the road before! Obviously we arrived and returned without incident.

The rest of the team is now in Botswana, traveling through Zimbabwe, and enjoying Victoria Falls, a genuine natural Wonder of God's World. It is just after the rainy season, so the views are breathtaking. They will also spend some time in Chobe Park which is an animal reserve without fences, filled with zebra, rhino, hippos, alligators, all types of deer, giraffes, hyenas, and a host of other animals. I'm sure they will share stories and pictures.

Tomorrow I am scheduled to minister at a service where 10 or more pastors have combined their congregations in order for us to share with them. Please pray that the Lord gives me a 'ready word.' These leaders and their congregants are faced with daily challenges that we can not fully appreciate.

South Africa is a nation with almost unlimited potential, but is in the midst of grappling with the ravages left oven from the decades of apartheid. Because of the leadership of Mr. Nelson Mandela, Bis Desmond Tutu and others, they appear on the right track, but face tremendous challenges. As a result of the past they are divided into racial and cultural groups, blacks, colored, Indians, whites, Afrikanns, all trying to meld into a single nation. Millions are living in poverty and have little or no education. As a result, crime and violence in some areas, especially some of the townships, create an addition obstacle to a better future. Add to this the very real issue of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, their load is heavy indeed.

These people are hungry for education, economic empowerment, and many are open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray that we as a church, and the entire Body of Christ, use genuine wisdom and courage to aid and support those who have been so oppressed.
I trust that I will be able to alleviate some of their pain and assure them that there are thousands in America who love them, will support them, and not forget about them.

Well, I must sign off. We miss being home at Apostolic Faith. I appreciate you and the relationship we have with Christ and one another more and more.
Please know that we are praying for you as you pray for and support us. Special prayers for our dear Sis Sylvia, Holly, Bart, Forrest Jr and family in their loss. May the God of all grace comfort you.

Stay vigilant. Keep prayerful. Share your faith!!

See you all soon.

Dr. and Sis Smith and Ministry Team

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God Bless Bishop Smith and ministry team - We enjoyed hearing you during church service this afternoon - it was a blessing

keep up the good work