Sunday, April 20, 2008

In Democratic Republic of the Congo DRC

Praise the Lord Everyone

We arrived safely in Lubumbashi, a 'major' city in the Katanga province of DRC. Just a little 'trouble' to clear customs since 4 of our group did not have the proof of their Yellow Fever vaccine. The Lord gave us favor and we were cleared.

We are staying at a hotel called Planet Hollybum! Only one person in the establishment speaks English. The rest speak French.

Sat was our first full day of ministry, in a small rural city southwest of Lubumbashi called Kipushi. It is an old copper mining town. We spent some time at the 'clinic' where babies are delivered. We reconnected with the young woman doctor we met in 2005. Her staff has expanded but they are severely hampered with a lack of equipment. The great news is that this is the clinic that had no water the last vist.
Thanks to many of you we dedicated the new well there that has four spigots that deliver fresh water. Many told us it has changed their lives for the better. Praise God. Water is the elixir of life and because of the well they are thriving and in much better health!

We also did home visits to those who have been affected or infected with HIV. Each situation is desperate, and we joined the families in prayer and left gifts of cooking oil and maise. We promised to not forget them and to pray for their future welfare.

Today is Sunday. We just finished ministering at three churches!! Bis Mark Tolbert ministered at a Pentecostal church, Bis Carl Turner at a Methodist church (where they praised God and danced!) and I was blessed to minister at a wonderful Pentecostal assembly. At all three churches there was fantastic worship and praising God!

We, God bless you all. We are going to meet with about 20 pastors in a few minutes. They are eager to share with us the challenges they have. I trust we can help and support them.

There is so much work to do. The 'team' with us has been fantastic, each sharing and ministering in their own way.

Keep your thoughts and questions coming. We will try to stay connected as the technology allows us.


Dr. and Sis Smith and ministry team


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord Dr. & Sis. Smith. This is Children's worship and we are praying for you. We just read your blog entry for today and are excited about the great things that God is doing during your trip. We love you and look forward to your safe return.

The Young People of AFC.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord Sis. & Bishop Smith,

The Beason Family is glad you made it safely. We are eager to hear about the children you meet in Zambia via World Vision because we have a daughter there. Her name is Abbya Nanagoma and she is 7 (she'll be 8 June 25th).

We want to know how close do the children really feel to their sponsors who may not write as often?

Grace & Peace

Dave & Jacinda Beason & Family

P.S. Service and Bible Class were great. Dr. Lucy gave us homework for Bible Class. Gas prices almost at $4

Anonymous said...

Hi Smiths and Elrods! I'm so exciting that you're blogging about this experience. I attended AFC today and Evangelist Maureen Woods delivered a wonderful word from God. Bishop Smith, while we miss you, we know you are doing a wonderful work in Africa and enjoyed the opportunity to get Sis. Woods speak.

Your ministering travels have truly inspired me to volunteer in Africa. I have to get some money things in order, but I hope to make it my next international trip (besides the Caribbean).

I'll continue to keep you all in my prayers.

Adrienne Claxton said...

Bishop & sis. Smith and Team! It is an exciting, humbling and grateful heart that I have as I read of your prayer is that God will continue to be with you all as your let your Light shine through your gifts and talents for God's Kingdom there in Africa! We had a wonderful time today at church...Tillary and Woods, what a Tag Team! I pray also that AFC will continue to contribute to this cause, connecting us to African people, through the Blood of the Lamb...will be in touch again, Adrienne Claxton

Anonymous said...

What Great Work!!

Anonymous said...

PTL Bishop & Sis. Smith!

I'm glad your visit to Africa is progressing well, it is encouraging to hear the improvments that you have seen between visits to the clinic. I'm praying for the strength of you and those you are travelling with as you visit those families dealing with AIDS. I can't imagine how difficult it is to see families in such crisis but God is well able to heal, deliver and bring joy to them. You and the First Lady are missed at AFC, but I appreciate the work you do worldwide and the example you set. Please let Bishop Turner know the Flowers/Aloway family in Chicago is praying for him! Be blessed!

Sis. Imani Aloway-Kimbrough

Lamontho said...

Praise the Lord Dr. Smith,

I am grateful for the great work that you all are doing in Africa. I have not ceased to make mention of you, Sister Smith and the others that are traveling with you. I am so excited about the marks that you are making in the kingdom. You are definitely a role model for us.

Sunday morning was exceptional here. Elder Tillery preached a sermon, "The Need for Revival" which stirred our souls. We definitely miss you, but know that you will be returning soon. I will continue praying for you and the other saints.

Blessings and Peace,

Elder Lamont Holifield

Anonymous said...

Dr. & Sis. Smith,

Today on CNN they reported the food crisis in South Africa, how is it affecting the counties you are visiting and the support that is needed to help?

Anonymous said...

Dr. & Sis. Smith,

Today on CNN they reported the crisis in Africa regarding the food prices. How is this affecting the areas you are visiting and the support that is needed?

Lamontho said...


We are praying with you and excited to receive the good reports. May God continue to bless your travels.

Service was excellent at AFC. Elder Tillery preached a message, The Need for Revival, which stirred us.

I am looking forward to checking in again real soon.

Praises and Blessings,

Elder Lamont Holifield