Friday, April 25, 2008

Leaving Zambia, Kitwe Province

Greetings Everyone

We have finished our ministry in Zambia. The site we spent most of our time is where the majority of the children AFC have sponsored live.
The experience was tremendous, often overwhelming.

All of the team spent quite a bit of time with the staff and children who were involved in the feeding program.
This program supplies food for about 100 children who are most needed. The pictures on the page show the site. We were taken through the entire process by the staff of how they obtain the materials, complete the process of preparation, and then the feeding of the children.

Unfortunately, these children receive only two meals a week in this program. The meal supplied is called HEPS for High Energy Protein Supplement. It is to help supplement the food they are able to get at home.
We are believing that we along with others will be able to pledge enought funds to expand the program to one of genuine sustainable food security, that will train the people in modern processess of agriculture. Purchase proper animals for farming etc. And fund the program to guarantee meals five days a week.
The staff is professional, well-trained, and caring. THEY JUST NEED HELP!!

We spent half a day seeing patients, both in the excellent maternity clinic, and did well child and just in checkups for many of the children. Fortunately they are in relatively better shape than the children we saw in DRC, with fewer cased of systemic malaria and work infestation.
The water supply is superior here, but inadequate nutrition is an on-going problem.

We were able to share during morning devotion with the entire staff in Kitwe. They are wonderfully committed Christians, that love and care for thousands. THEY JUST NEED HELP.
Sis Smith and others were able through your generosity to give gifts to most of the staff.

As Sis Smith and myself left for South Africa, the team visited several homes of critically sick families. Most were infected with HIV adding to their chronic poverty.
The team was able to devliver home care kits and minister to them.

As you can see from the pictures, we were able to laugh, sing, and spend time playing with the children. they exhibit such joy in spite of their difficult conditions. Simple gifts were received with joy and gratitude.

Well, keep us all in your prayers. We will conduct services in South Africa with pastor from various regions coming together.

God Bless you all for your support!!!


Bis and Sis Smith and the ministry team


Anonymous said...

I love you all!!!

Miss you much,


LaTrice said...

Bishop Smith, Sister Smith and Team, I am humbled by your experience in which I am able to live through your words. Your work is witness to the service that we must provide others. I pray for your continued work as a servant to the people that are in need. I look forward to joining you on the journey in the future.

LaTrice A. Smith