Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pictures From Our Trip

Nurse Vowal, Nurse Peacock, and Dr. Douglas give gifts to the children in Zamtan

Nurse Peacock visits with children in Zamtan

Bishop Tolbert and Bishop Turner celebrate with the community in the DRC

Bishop Smith sings along with the children of Zamtan

Sister Smith assists in preparing food for the feeding program

Children wait in line to see Dr. Smith, Dr. Douglas, Nurse Peacock and Nurse Vowal

Bishop Smith visits with Enoch, a child with a testimony!

The Elrods play with children in the DRC


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord. I pray all is well with the travelers. We miss you but know you are doing God's work. I hesitate to inform you that Sylvia Franklin has lost her son Forrest. He was found dead in his bed on Wednesday. You probably have been informed of this already but...just in case you weren't I decided to send this.

Blessings, Rose

rhiannon said...

Its great to see the pics of you doing great work in Africa. Next, we'll need video!