Monday, April 28, 2008

Preparing to Leave Our 'Mother' Continent

Greeting Everyone

Well. This part of the journey is almost complete. We are preparing to leave Mother Africa, and fly back to the United States.
With all its issues and challenges, America is our home and we thank God for it.

We shared a wonderful worship service on Sunday with Bis Joseph Guthrie, his wife, the leaders of the Western Cape Council and their congregants. Pastor Louis Green who is a member of the Capetown Parliament was elevated to Sufn. Bishop. He and his wife are wonderful people. We shared time with them and their entire family.
The Lord blessed the service. It was a real joy to share with the people of South Africa in a lively, Pentecostal service. The cultural similarities to African-American church worship were unmistakeable. Of course the choirs, especially the youth and children choirs were awesome!

There is much work to do in South Africa. The nation is young in its newly constituted democratic format and undergoing severe growing pains. One of the major struggles is how to meld a single country with each person being respected and empowered, after so many decades of oppression and separation. The needs of the people are similar to the needs of the disadvantaged throughout the world, i.e. access to education, training for those who have been historically shut-out, economic empowerment, and government that cares for and works on behalf of the people.

The potential here is unlimited. The country is rich in every resource, a diverse geography, mineral wealth, strong infrastructure, and especially the giftedness and creativity of its people. There is a mosaic of cultures and dialects, yet most of them share English as a common language. The young people here seem eager to learn. They are hungry for knowledge and training. Crime is sometimes a major issue, especially in the townships. HIV/AIDS is a major health and social problem. Fortunately current anti-retrovial medicines are available in most areas. Many of the major NGO's (non-government organizations) World Vision included, are focusing on this issue with education, aimed at prevention as well as testing and treatment. Another major contributor to this problem is the maginalization and devaluing of women. Here again re-education is critical. Changing social mores is a difficult and long-term process, but is achievable.

The Body of Christ here is also growing. I pray it will take a lead role in bringing about genuine justice and integrity. Here again, visionary, ethical, caring leadership is the major need. We must as Jesus taught us, "Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that he will send workers (caring, loving leaders) into the vineyard."
I believe the church bears a major responsibility in bringing this to past by developing training for pastors and leaders, and making these materials available to those who need it most.

Well, I trust sharing this experience has been of benefit to all of you.

Bless you all for your prayers and support.

Interestingly, I will be spending some time in Appalacia next week. I look forward to experiencing how its people are dealing with some of the same issues that we found in Africa, poverty, disease, and chronic lack, and how the church of Jesus Christ is responding to these needs. Christ calls us to be responsive to the 'least' of His children.

I am more and more convinced of the oneness of us all and the universal need for unity. We must all pray for greed and selfishness to be rejected, and that genuine brotherhood to be manifested throughout the Body of Christ. Our divisions are our greated enemy and the greatest impediment to seeing the full manifestation of the Great Kingdom of our Lord.

Please join us as we believe and pray for "His Kingdom Come, His Will be done, On Earth!!"

Thanks once again for your love and support, and God bless you all.

Bishop and Mrs Horace and Susan Smith and ministry team

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bishop Smith, Sis. Smith, and the ministry team - May God bless you richly and continue to imbue you with the wisdom to make right His kingdom. Thank you for your eyes, hands, and prayers on these critical matters.