Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chicago Tribune Op-Ed Piece 6/10/08

Praise The Lord!

Please follow the link here to view my Opinion Piece in the June 10th issue of the Chicago Tribune:


I ask that you post your comments on the Tribune's page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a comment - as a 78 year young white man, a Christian, living in Tennessee.

Thank you - for what I notice that you do, outside the pages of the Chicago Tribune, in the name of OUR Lord, Jesus Christ, as well as clearly explaining - for others, the background of the African-American church.

I was a Personnel Sergeant in the USAF when integration of the races took place and it was my responsibility to see that it was carried out on our base in Japan.
I shall never forget the seven Sergeants who reported to our base. They were gentlemen, skilled in their work and helped me to get an idea as to what "black" men were all about. The experience lives to this day and to see that we might be electing the Senator from Illinois as our next President thrills me. It is - as a matter of fact, an answer to my prayers.

I know our Lord is pleased.

Sherwood MacRae
Cookeville, TN